A Day with Thoughts:

Hello dears,

Welcome to today’s simply soulful blog, where we embrace the art of being present. Let’s explore today’s topic together and nurture our minds with thoughts not thinking.

Each morning presents fresh opportunities to give a new beginning of our life, with this same thoughts I began my life in the morning and give myself a big hug. As today is the new moon also, I did all my morning rituals and start my day. Is not it beautiful ??? Yes, I consider it as a beautiful day. Hugging myself tightly, kisses send to the Universe for making me alive and visualising a beautiful day etc. are literally my kind of things. After I read ” Happiest man on the earth” by Eddie Jaku, I seriously thought that happiness is a choice which is created by our own and after day on I sincerely aware of my thoughts for my mental goodness. ( One day for sure I will come with Eddie Jaku book)

Now, I come my bulb on points from today. As all knows we always puzzling our minds with several thoughts and the follows are my thoughts of the day –

Today, I read a book and the author wants to clarify that we should aware are feeling and emotions. It changes constantly and we should respect it without overthinking.

Secondly, we cannot change what is happening in outside world but with the awareness we come to know how should we response to it.

One more thought is that “Love should be free” because it’s our highest potential emotion through which we connect to the higher self of the Universe i.e Supreme Lord and ourself also. Only with the love we can win anything in our life. At the deep down, one day we will know that “GRATITUDE ” is the one form of expression about love .

And then come to the next thought : Silence. Silence shows the potential of our observing energy. It is the energy through which we absorb only downloding thoughts with full of consciousness.

Lastly, a beautiful creation I read today is that ” Never forgot our own divinity because it’s is only through our divinity that we have our humanity “. Seriously, this line made my day with full of heart.

Thank you for connecting with me.

With love and light

Simply Soulful

Tips for today:

  1. Write an intention for your life.
  2. Write a gratitude sentence to the Universe. e.g I am grateful to the Universe for being me Alive.

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